We incorporate Aromatherapy and Essential Oils at Our Pittsburgh Chiropractor Office to support all aspects of the healing process … physical & emotional.
What are Essential Oils?
By definition, essential oils are the vital (and aromatic) fluids of a plant, shrub, root, herb, flower, seed or tree. You can think of the oil as a plant's "immune system" -- it is essential to the life and health of the plant.
Oils are typically extracted through careful steam distillation that ensures all the important, therapeutic, and health-giving constituents of the oil remain intact.
They are used to flavor foods and can be found in things like toothpaste and mouthwash to give it that minty kick. Oils are in perfumes, skin care products, and many places that you wouldn't guess - but not all oils are created equally. Oils found in food and cosmetics are typically synthetic, so your body processes it as a toxin. Synthetic oils are harder to break down and can be stored in fat cells. These types of synthetic oils work against your body.
What do they do?
Young Living Essential Oils are therapeutic grade which gives them the ability to work with your body. Within 20 minutes of applying oils they can be found in every cell. These pure oils are distilled from the "life blood"of plants and contain the plant's own immunity, hormones, and scents. When you pick a rose and break off the stem, you'll always notice there is a bit of watery substance. This is the source that the pure essential oils come from. This God given source was intelligently created to benefit our whole body.
It is a highly temperamental process to distill oils from plants and it can not be rushed. Young Living is a part of the entire process from "Seed to Seal". They make sure that the soil the crops are planted in have never been touched with pesticides or herbicides so that toxins are never present in the plants or in the oils. Young Living oversees each step ensuring that the correct temperature is used for the correct amount of time so that every constituent is intact. They go above and beyond to guarantee that every drop of oil is what we call "beyond organic."
Why Young Living?
+ Young Living is the world leader in essential oils
+ They have been harvesting and distilling oils for 25 years
+ Young Living was started by Gary D. Young as a small family business
+ Young Living has developed a seed to seal for their oils, ensuring the purity from the planting of the seed to the sealing of the bottle
+ Young Living essential oils do not have any additives and can be taken internally
+ Young Living owns their own farms and distilleries across the globe